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Program fellowship

Hands on Keyboard

The Center for Indonesian Policy Studies invites qualified researchers to join our CIPS Fellowship Program. We envision the CIPS Fellowship as the gateway for researchers who are completing their postgraduate theses to conduct their research in Indonesia over a period of six months. Our goal is to make this Fellowship a space of collaboration for exchanging ideas, engaging in lively debates, and expanding each other’s networks.


​Applicants selected as CIPS Fellows will have access to the following:

  • Collaborative opportunities to connect with CIPS’ board members, senior fellows, and the research team.

  • Opportunity to expand their leadership skills through mentoring and collaborating with CIPS’ early career researchers.

  • Support the work in CIPS research areas, as well as take forward their own projects.

  • Logistical support and assistance with the necessary research permits, if necessary, to conduct field research.

  • To participate actively in the life of the Institute, including attendance at seminars, conferences, and CIPS social events.

  • Working space in CIPS and ability to use CIPS’ office facilities such as business cards and CIPS email.


The commitment for selected Fellows includes: 

  • To contribute at least one written piece, either in English or Indonesian, either as a policy paper or a working paper. 

  • To acknowledge CIPS in all their publications produced during the Fellowship.

  • To deliver two in-house seminars/training for CIPS, topics can be explored and discussed during the recruitment process.



  • Final-year postgraduate students.

  • Able to speak and write in English fluently.

  • Currently researching topics related to food security and trade, agriculture, education, digital security, digital trade, and digital inclusivity.

  • Committed to fulfilling the required commitment to CIPS.


If you are interested in the Fellowship Program, please fill up the form below. If you have questions, please send your inquiry to

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